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Museum of Roncesvalles

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Museum of Roncesvalles

Ajedrez de Carlomagno, relicario del siglo XIV, ubicado en el Museo de Roncesvalles

Charlemagne’s chess set from the 14th century, in the Museum at Roncesvalles.

Religious art collection of the Real Colegiata (Collegiate Church) of Santa María (carvings, canvases, stamp collections, ancient books [both manuscripts and printed], and silversmithery, which is the most important section). We would highlight the Romanesque Silver Gospel stand (1200), a gilded chest with a Gothic-Mudejar filigree from the 13th century, the reliquary known as Charlemagne's Chess Set (mid 15th century), with a stamp of Montpellier, the emerald 'of Miramamolín' (a war trophy won by King Sancho 'el Fuerte' in the battle of Las Navas de Tolosa). In the section on painting we would mention the Triptych of Calvary, of the El Bosco school and the Sagrada Familia de San Juanito by Luis de Morales.

Address: c/ Única s/n, 31650 Orreaga-Roncesvalles
Owner: Chapter of Roncesvalles
Content:Religious art of the Collegiate Church of Roncesvalles.
Visiting hours: from April to October 1000-1400 and 15.30-1900. From November to March: 1000-1400 and 1530-1730. January: 1030-1430. Closed on Wednesdays, 25 December, 1 and 6 January. Collegiate church: open every day from 0800-2000. In winter the church may be closed without advance warning due to bad weather
Entrance fees: Ordinary visit: adults: 2.10 euros; children: 1.60 euros; school groups: 0.70 euros. General visit to the monuments: adults: 3.60 euros; children: 0,70 euros (0-5 years of age free of charge); groups (more than 20 people, schoolchildren, students): 2.70 euros.
Tel.948 790 480. Fax: 948 790 450
E-mail: atz@jet.es

Government of Navarre

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