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Museums (Antiguo)

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Museum resources in Navarre: contemporary art, ethnography, religious art, science, specialised museums, archaeological finds and monuments that can be visited.
Contemporary Art Museums
Jorge Oteiza Museum
Muñoz Sola Museum of modern art
Gustavo de Maeztu Museum - Estella -
Photographic collection: Universidad de Navarra -Pamplona-
Exhibition of the Señorio de Bértiz
Location Museums and Visitable Spaces
Palacio Real de Olite
Church of Santa María de Eunate
The Roman city of Andelos
Walled enclosure of Rada
Science Museums
Pamplona Planetarium
Natural science museums of the Universidad de Navarra -Pamplona-
Museum and permanent collection
Museum of Navarre
Ethnographic Museums
Julio Caro Baroja de Irache-Ayegui Ethnographic Museum-
Zubieta Ecological Mill Museum
Isaba Ethnographic Museum
Burgui Raft Museum
Baztán Jorge Oteiza-Elizondo Ethnographic Museum
Arteta Ethnographic Museum
Historical Figures Museums
House where Ramón y Cajal was born
Museum of the castle of Javier
Small museum on Pablo Sarasate
Museum-Residence of Julián Gayarre
Museum of Navarre
Religious art museums
Diocese Cathedral Museum (Pamplona)
Museum of Tudela-Dean's Palace
Museum of Roncesvalles
Museum of the Monastery of Tulebras
Arrese museum of Corella
Government of Navarre

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