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DTB: Vol 31 No 2

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Safe drug use in patients with cirrhosis

Bol Inf Farmacoter Navar. 2023;31 (2):1-22

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Table 14 Safety and dose adjustment for cardiovascular system drugs in patients with cirrhosis.

Cirrhosis is the fibrosis of the liver as a result of different liver damage mechanisms that leads to the inflammation and generation of scar tissue, thus producing nodules. Liver cirrhosis affects both drug pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, and must therefore be taken into consideration when prescribing. The severity and prognosis of cirrhosis are measured using the Child-Pugh classification.
The aim of this bulletin is to help with selection of the most appropriate therapeutic alternative for patients with cirrhosis by providing a series of safety and dose-adjustment guidelines for the drugs most commonly prescribed in primary healthcare.
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