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DTB: Vol 27, No 2

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Medicinal plants: natural but not innocuous (part 1)

The use of garlic supplementation in patients receiving antiplatelet or anticoagulation therapy or patients using antiretroviral therapy is not recommended. The intake of aloe vera is not recommended, as it may cause electrolyte alterations and gastrointestinal disorders. Its laxative effects are a consequence of the mucosal irritation. Concomitant use of blueberries and anticoagulant medicines and antiplatelet agents is not recommended. Concomitant use of St John’s wort with a large number of medications is contraindicated due to its inducing effect on drug metabolism. Red yeast rice is a homologue of lovastatin without a standardized dose. It can cause the same adverse events and interactions as this drug. The natural origin of these products does not mean that they do not cause any adverse events or drug interactions. Controlled studies evaluating the safety of the use of medicinal plants are necessary.


  • Amaya Echeverría Gorriti
    Carmen Fontela Bulnes
    Mª Teresa Acín Gericó
    Natalia Alzueta Istúriz
    Lorea Sanz Álvarez. 
    Subdirectorate of Pharmacy. SNS-O
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