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DTB: Vol 27, No 4

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Key points for the appropriate use of opioids in chronic non-cancer pain

The objectives of this report are: (1) to formulate recommendations and protocols that guarantee the appropriate duration and use of opioid therapies to prevent their serious side effects; (2) to determine the information required before an opioid is prescribed in relation both, to the patient and the medication selected; (3) to propose tools for the adequate follow-up of patients


  • Ana I. Henche Ruiz. Médico de Familia, Experta en Adicciones , Unidad de Conductas Adictivas (UCS) de Toledo. Servicio de Psiquiatría. SESCAM

  • José Manuel Paredero Domínguez. Farmacéutico de Atención Primaria. Servicio de Farmacia de Atención Primaria. Gerencia de Atención Integrada de Guadalajara. SESCAM
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