Albiste eta ekitaldiak

Deborah Liguori, WITeko doktoregaia, Florentziako Istituto di Chimica dei Composti Organometallici-n egon da egonaldi baliagarria burutzen

Deborah Liguori, WITeko doktoregaia, Florentziako Istituto di Chimica dei Composti Organometallici-n egon da egonaldi baliagarria burutzen

WIT programaren barnean NUPen doktoregoko ikaslea den Deborah Liguorik bukatu berri du hiru hilabeteko egonaldia Florentziako Istituto di Chimica dei Composti Orgganometallici (ICCOM-CNR) erankundean, Claudio Sangregorio doktorearen eskutik. Liguoriren ikerketa entropia handiko monoxido antiferromagnetikoen sintesi eta karakterizazioan oinarritu da. Bertan, bereizmen handiko transmisioko mikroskopia elektronikoan (HTEM) aditua den Beatrice Muzzi doktorearekin lankidetzan aritzeko aukera izan du. 

Ikertzaile gazte honek WIT programaren lehenengo deialdian eman ziren zortzi doktorego kontratuetako bat eskuratu zuen, hain zuzen ere Energia ekoizteko materialak eta teknologia aurreratuak garatzeko ikerketa-lerroan. 2023ko apirilean ikerketa lanetan hasi zen Alberto López Ortega Doktorearen zuzendaritzapean, non eta NUPeko Materialen propietate fisikoen eta aplikazioen ikerketa-taldean.

WIT aurrera doa doktoregoa egiten ari diren ikertzaileentzat zeharkako prestakuntza-ikastaroen eskaintzan

WIT aurrera doa doktoregoa egiten ari diren ikertzaileentzat zeharkako prestakuntza-ikastaroen eskaintzan

WIT aurrera doa doktoregoa egiten ari diren ikertzaileentzat zeharkako prestakuntza-ikastaroen eskaintzan:

Bi gai garrantzitsu ikerketa-lan hobeagoa egiteko, esparrua edozein dela ere. 
Informazio gehiago NUPeko Doktoretzako Eskolan eskuragai.

WIT proiektuaren baitan antolatutako formakuntza hasi da, "First steps in submitting papers and asking for projects" ikastaroarekin.

WIT proiektuaren baitan antolatutako formakuntza hasi da, "First steps in submitting papers and asking for projects" ikastaroarekin.

WIT proiektuak antolatutako lehenengo ikastaroa bertan dugu. Nazareth Torres ikertzailearen eskutik "First steps in submitting papers and asking for projects" ikastaroa, hain zuzen ere. Oso gai interesgarria ikertzaileentzat.

Nazareth Nafarroako Unibertsitatean Biologia eta Ingurumeneko doktoretza eskuratu ondotik, egun Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoan doktoratu ondoko ikertzaile lanetan dabil Ramón & Cajal programaren laguntza batekin, non eta Agronomia, Bioteknologia eta Elikadura Sailan.

Mid-term visit from the European Commission to review the ongoing implementation of the WIT Project.

Mid-term visit from the European Commission to review the ongoing implementation of the WIT Project.

Last week, Simona Misiti (Project Adviser at European Commission) visited us in Pamplona for the mid-term review of the WIT Project.

Simona, it was great having you here and learning from your experience and knowledge!!!

In addition, the presentations made by the WIT ESRs already integrated at UPNA and UNAV were very interesting and useful to know more about you and your research projects. Thank you for your participation and involvement in WIT!!

Official reception by the President of Navarra to welcome the ESRs of the WIT Project

Official reception by the President of Navarra to welcome the ESRs of the WIT Project


The President of the Government of Navarra has welcomed the WIT's ESR, and has highlighted Navarra's commitment to research and innovation.

At the reception, the President of Navarre was accompanied by the main representatives of the collaborating entities of the WIT project: Department of University, Innovation and Digital Transformation, and the two hosting universities, the Public University of Navarra-Upna and the University of Navarra-Unav. 

The President thanked the work and commitment to research of the nine participants in the reception, eight researchers from the first call and one from the second edition, which has recently been resolved.

Have a look to the VIDEO to know more about the WIT Project and our researchers.

All the ESRs awarded in the first call of the WIT fellowship are already in Pamplona, working in their projects. Alison García, Ihtesham Khan, Deborah Liguori, Asheem Garwa and Syed Nazim Shah at the Public Univeresity of Navarra, and Aline Risson, Lorea Jordana and Niloufar Sadat Hosseini at the University of Navarra. Sara Lorenzoni, awarded in the second call is also in Pamplona, integrated at UN and developing her research. We are waiting for the other awarded fellows who will join us soon.

You can read the entire news here.


WIT introduces you the ESRs already integrated in their respective research groups at UPNA and UNAV.

WIT introduces you the ESRs already integrated in their respective research groups at UPNA and UNAV.


8 ESRs of WIT are already working on their respective projects at UPNA and UNAV, WIT's hosting universities. Their PhD projects develop research in one of the four strategic areas of WIT: Energy, Health and Automotive-Mechatronics & Advanced Manufacturing, with the Artificial Intelligence as a cross-sectional area.

We had a friendly meeting to know each other and visit the old town of Pamplona during the afternoon of November 9th, 2023. We really enjoyed the time spent with them. 
It has been very nice to share this afternoon with you!!!
Thank you for making it so easy and enjoyable!!!

If you want to know more about our WIT's ESR and their interesting research projects, visit the PhD students section on the website.

Waiting for the arrival of the next fellows, we are preparing next events... so keep informed!!

Lorea Jordana, a PhD student at Cima-University of Navarra with a WIT contract, has presented her work at the 30th annual Congress of the European Society of Gene and Cell Therapy (ESGCT) held in Brussels last week.

Lorea Jordana, a PhD student at Cima-University of Navarra with a WIT contract, has presented her work at the 30th annual Congress of the European Society of Gene and Cell Therapy (ESGCT) held in Brussels last week.


From 24 to 27 of October of 2023 Lorea attended the mentioned international congress, where she was selected for a presentation of her research entitled “Identification of key regulatory factors driving CAR-T cell dysfuntion in MM by single cell multiomics”.

Previously, she also joined the “2023 Summer School in Computational Biology” in Coimbra (Portugal), where she had the opportunity to learn about topics related to computational biology and worked in a biological system modeling project under the supervision of Prof. Armindo Salvador.

Wit Nazioarteko doktoradutza programa aurkeztu da

Wit International Doctorate programme for talent attraction is launched

Europa Batasunak finantzatzen du, Horizonte 2020 Programa– Marie Sklodowska Curie ekintzen barruan. Nafarroako Gobernuak, Unibertsitatea, Berrikuntza eta Eraldaketa Digitaleko Departamentuaren bidez bultzatzen du proiektu hau, apustu irmoa Berrikuntzaren Nafarroako Sistema Europan kokatze aldera.


Cofunded by the EU as part of the H2020-Marie Sklodowska Curie Action Cofund, the Government of Navarre and the Department of University, Innovation and Digital Transformation are promoting this project, which represents a firm commitment to position the Navarre Innovation System in Europe.