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Museum of Castejón

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From the Iron Age to the Railway Age

Located in the former Town Market, the Castejón Museum shows the history of the village through objects and artifacts belonging to different settlers, especially those from the Iron Age and the Railway Age, in the late nineteenth century.

The museum displays models of the Celtic-Iberian necropolis of El Castillo and the Roman settlement of Montecillo, which can be seen from the terrace. In the different showcases, museum goers will find funerary objects unearthed from ancient tombs: weapons, coins, pots, and oil lamps, among others.

The emergence of the railway and the selection of the Castejón railway station as a rail node brought about a substantial economic boost and a population growth that have left their mark in the village. Therefore, tools and items associated with trains had to be included in the museum’s exhibit, which features photographs, a singular medicine cabinet, a fire-fighting car, and models of a fin-de-siècle bar and a stationmaster office.

Address: Antiguo Mercado de Abastos, Plaza de España, 1, Castejón 31590
Managers: Asociación Castejonera de Amigos del Ferrocarril (Castejón Association of Railway Enthusiasts, ACAF)
Contents: archaeological artifacts from the Iron Age, and railway-related records, photographs and items
Hours: November - March: Saturday, Sunday and public holidays, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. September - October and April - June: from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Holy Week, July-August: Tuesday - Sunday, from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Closing day: Monday (except public holidays)
Groups: arrange appointment in advance
Admission: free of charge
Telephone: 948 770 065
Website: www.museodecastejon.es
E-mail: museo@castejón.com; comercial@congresosnavarra.com
Government of Navarre

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