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Small museum on Pablo Sarasate

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Small museum on Pablo Sarasate (Pamplona)

El violinista italiano Ruggiero Ricci con el violín

The Italian violinist Ruggiero Ricci with the 'Vuillaume' violin that Pablo Sarasate donated to the city of Pamplona.

Bequeathed to the city of Pamplona by Pablo Sarasate Navascués (1844-1908), the famous violinist and composer, located in the Chapel of the old Seminary of San Juan.

Highlights: his portrait by Llaneces; a bust in bronze by Benlliure; the Vuillaume and Gand & Bernardel violins and the Bechstein piano from Paris.

Address c/Mercado 11, 31001 Pamplona
Owner:Ayuntamiento de Pamplona (Pamplona City Council)
Content: objects related to the life and work of the Navarrese violinist and composer Pablo Sarasate (1844-1908)
Opening hours: Monday-Friday: 0830-1430. Afternoons, Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays: closed.
Contact tel.:948 420 189
Entrance fees Free of charge

Government of Navarre

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