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Pamplona Planetarium

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Pamplona Planetarium

Pamplona Planetarium

A cultural centre for scientific and technological dissemination. Its 20-metre diameter dome projects images of up to 9,000 stars through 70 projectors and other audiovisual systems. The Planetarium also organises a programme of art exhibitions.

Addressc/ Sancho Ramírez s/n, 31008 Pamplona
Owner: Planetario de Pamplona S.A. (Government of Navarre)
Content: Scientific and artistic dissemination.
Opening hours:Academic year: Monday-Friday: 0930-1330 and 1600-1930. Saturdays: 1130-1330. Sundays and public holidays: 1130-1330. Closed on Mondays and the month of July. Consult opening hours outside the academic year.
Entrance fees: standard: 4.00 euros, reduced: 3.00 euros.
Contact tel.: 948 262 628. Fax: 948 261 919
web: http://www.pamplonetario.org/

Government of Navarre

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