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Gustavo de Maeztu Museum - Estella -

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Gustavo de Maeztu museum (Estella)

An interesting Romanesque palace on the Pilgrim’s Way to Santiago houses the legacy of the versatile artist Gustavo de Maeztu y Whitney. Located in the old Palacio de los Reyes de Navarra, also called the Palacio de los Duques de Granada de Ega, is a Romanesque civil building with capitals, one of which (by Martín de Logroño) relates the struggle of Roland (Roldán) with the giant Ferragut. The building was reopened in 1991 after renovation. It focuses on the figure of the writer and painter Gustavo de Maeztu y Whitney (1887-1947), who was born in Vitoria but lived in Estella until his death. It contains a large part of his plastic and graphic work, which is structured around the female figure, portraits, still life and landscapes, and also around three peculiar facets of his style: cosmopolitan, picturesque and marginal. Together with a selection of drawings of different genres are the experiments made by Maeztu in the plastic arts, making allusions to his literary aspect.

Guided tours of the permanent collection.

Address: C/ San Nicolás 1, 31200 Estella
Owner: Ayuntamiento de Estella (Estella Town Council)
Content: Work of the painter and engraver Gustavo de Maeztu y Whitney (1887- 1947)
Other services: Bookshop, temporary exhibition room, documentation centre, area for cultural events.
Opening hours:
Tuesday-Friday: 9:30-13:00.
Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays: 11:00-14:00.
Closed: Monday
Entrance fees: free of charge
Tel.: 948 546037.
Fax: 948 553257
E-mail: museogmaeztu@estella
Web: www.museogustavodemaeztu.com 

Government of Navarre

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